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Ports in many countries are closed and docks are congested

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    According to the latest data, there are more than 1 million confirmed covid-19 cases and 52,863 deaths worldwide.According to incomplete statistics, at least 60 countries have declared a state of emergency or closed their countries or cities.Order cancellations, port closures, terminal congestion, container hold-ups

    India's ports are at a standstill after the country imposed a 21-day ban, leaving many ships unable to stop because of severe Labour shortages and inland transport capacity problems.Earlier, many ports declared force majeure after India declared a state blockade.

    Stevedores confirm COVID - 19, partial loading and unloading suspended at port of Los Angeles.According to lowe's daily news, the port of Los Angeles dispatch center was closed after dockworkers confirmed covid-19, affecting some dockside loading and unloading, and cutting operating hours at other terminals due to a lack of workers.

    Domestic flights and vessels were suspended.Despite the port's efforts to move the stranded containers from Manila's international container terminal (MICT) to other areas, Manila's port remains gridlocked and does not have enough space for efficient production and operations.

    Many logistics and freight forwarding companies have been closed. Although chittagong port is still open, the logistics links such as unloading and transshipment of containers after the cargo ships arrive at the port are seriously delayed, resulting in the phenomenon of large quantities of containers being overstocked and demurrage at chittagong port

2020年4月3日 14:25